Jiangsu - China   2025-01-25   Saturday   33.38N, 120.14E


Jiangsu - China


Issue date: 2025-01-25T08:44+08:00

江苏省气象台2025年01月25日08时45分发布寒潮蓝色预警: 受强冷空气影响,预计25-27日,南京、徐州、宿迁、连云港、淮安、盐城、扬州、泰州、南通、镇江、无锡、常州、苏州地区48小时最低气温将下降8~9℃,局部10~11℃,并伴有陆上5~7级,江河湖库及近海海面8~9级的偏北大风。省应急厅(省防减救灾办)、省气象局提醒注意防范。


Within 48 hours, the minimum temperature will drop by more than 8°C, the lowest temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force on land can reach level 5 or more; or it has dropped by more than 8°C, the minimum temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force can reach level 5 or more, continued.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for cold wave prevention in accordance with their duties;

2. Pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm;

3. Take certain protective measures against tropical crops and aquatic products;

4. Make preparations for wind protection.