Henan - China   2025-01-25   Saturday   34.80N, 114.34E


Henan - China


Issue date: 2025-01-24T11:00+08:00

河南省气象台2025年1月24日11时00分发布道路结冰黄色预警:预计1月24日14时到25日14时,我省西部有大雪,局部暴雪;东部、东南部小到中雨转雨夹雪;其他县市有雨夹雪或小到中雪。北部、中西部路表温度低于0℃,黄河以北和三门峡、洛阳、平顶山、南阳西部和北部、郑州、许昌大部、漯河、开封西部和北部部分县(市、区)将出现对交通有较大影响的道路结冰,其中西部、西北部部分县(市、区)将出现对交通有较严重影响或严重影响的道路结冰。请注意防范。上述地区的相邻县(市、区)也需关注。 防御指南: 1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好道路结冰应急工作; 2.交通运输、公安、市政等部门应提前做好道路结冰应对准备工作,及时组织人力和机械设备清理积冰,必要时对危险路段采取临时交通管制措施; 3.相关单位做好管理区域内地面防滑措施,设置防滑警示标志; 3.减少驾车出行,车辆应采取防滑措施,保持安全车距、减速慢行; 4.尽量减少外出,注意防滑,老年人特别是骨质疏松患者尽可能不要出门; 5.消防、医疗等救援部门做好应急准备,确保在发生交通事故或其他紧急情况时能够迅速响应并有效处置。


When the road surface temperature is lower than 0°C, precipitation occurs, and road icing that affects traffic may occur within 12 hours.


1. The transportation, public security and other departments shall prepare for road icing in accordance with their duties;

2. Drivers should pay attention to road conditions and drive safely;

3. Pedestrians ride bicycles as little as possible when going out, and pay attention to non-slip.


Issue date: 2025-01-24T11:00+08:00

河南省气象台2025年1月24日11时00分发布暴雪蓝色预警:预计24日14时到26日14时,黄河以北和三门峡、洛阳、郑州中西部和北部、开封北部、许昌西部、平顶山中西部、南阳北部和东南部、驻马店西南部、信阳西部部分县(市、区)将出现5毫米以上的降雪,其中安阳西部、济源西部、焦作南部、三门峡、洛阳、郑州西部、平顶山西部、许昌西部、南阳北部和东南部、驻马店西南部、信阳西部部分县(市、区)将出现10毫米以上降雪,三门峡北部、洛阳西北部和东南部、郑州西南部、平顶山西南部部分县(市、区)将出现20毫米以上降雪,请注意防范。上述地区的相邻县(市、区)也需关注。 防御指南: 1.政府及有关部门按照职责做好防雪灾和防冻害准备工作; 2.交通、铁路、电力、通信等部门应当进行道路、铁路、线路巡查维护,做好道路清扫和积雪融化工作; 3.行人注意防寒防滑,驾驶人员小心驾驶,车辆应当采取防滑措施; 4. 农业、林业、养殖业应做好作物、树木防冻害与牲畜防寒准备; 5. 加固危房、大棚和临时搭建物,及时清除积雪。


The snowfall will reach 4 mm or more within 12 hours, or it has reached 4 mm or more and the snowfall continues, which may affect traffic or agriculture and animal husbandry.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for the prevention of snow disaster and frost damage in accordance with their duties;

2. Transportation, railway, electric power, communication and other departments shall inspect and maintain roads, railways and lines, and do a good job in road cleaning and snow melting;

3. Pedestrians should pay attention to cold-proof and anti-skid, and drivers should drive carefully, and the vehicle should take anti-skid measures;

4. Farming and pastoral areas and planting and breeding industries should reserve feed and be prepared to prevent snow disasters and frost damage;

5. Reinforce temporary structures such as scaffolds that are easily affected by snow.


Issue date: 2025-01-24T11:00+08:00

河南省气象台2025年1月24日11时00分发布寒潮蓝色预警:预计27日和28日最低气温较25日,全省大部最低气温下降10度以上,其中安阳西部、新乡西部、济源、焦作、三门峡、洛阳南部、郑州西南部、平顶山中西部、南阳北部、驻马店东部、信阳部分县(市、区)下降12到14度,局地14到16度。27日和28日凌晨,最低气温西部山区零下14度到零下12度,北部零下10度到零下8度,其他县(市、区)零下6度到零下4度。24至25日白天,全省偏北风4级左右,阵风6到7级。25日夜里到26日,全省西北风或偏北风4到5级,阵风7到8级,局地9到10级。请注意防范。上述地区的相邻县(市、区)也需关注。 防御指南: 1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好防寒潮准备工作; 2.注意防寒保暖,患有心脑血管、各类慢性呼吸道疾病等对气温变化敏感的老弱病人尽量减少外出; 3.居家注意用火、用电、用气安全,燃煤取暖用户注意防范一氧化碳中毒; 4.农业、林业、养殖业等积极采取防冻害等措施,设施农业做好增温、加固工作。


Within 48 hours, the minimum temperature will drop by more than 8°C, the lowest temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force on land can reach level 5 or more; or it has dropped by more than 8°C, the minimum temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force can reach level 5 or more, continued.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for cold wave prevention in accordance with their duties;

2. Pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm;

3. Take certain protective measures against tropical crops and aquatic products;

4. Make preparations for wind protection.