Hebei - China   2025-03-26   Wednesday   40.98N, 117.94E


Hebei - China


Issue date: 2025-03-25T16:39+08:00

河北省气象台2025年03月25日16时37分继续发布大风蓝色预警信号: 受冷空气影响,预计明天白天,张家口、承德、保定西北部和石家庄西部山区有西到西北风4到6级,阵风7到9级,局地阵风可达10级以上,部分地区伴有扬沙或浮尘天气。请注意防范。


It may be affected by strong winds within 24 hours, with an average wind force of 6 or higher, or gusts of 7 or higher; or it has been affected by strong winds, with an average wind of 6-7, or 7-8 gusts and may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job of preventing gale in accordance with their duties;

2. Close doors and windows, reinforce hoardings, scaffolds, billboards and other structures that are easily blown by the wind, properly arrange outdoor objects that are easily affected by high winds, and cover building materials;

3. Water operations in relevant waters and passing ships take active countermeasures, such as returning to the port to avoid wind or sailing in a detour, etc.;

4. Pedestrians should avoid riding bicycles as much as possible, and do not stay under billboards, temporary structures, etc. when the wind is blowing;

5. Relevant departments and units pay attention to the fire prevention of forests and grasslands.

Chengde Meteorological Observatory updates yellow warning for strong winds

Issue date: 2025-03-25T09:15+08:00

At 09:04 on March 25, 2025, the Chengde Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning signal for strong winds: it is expected that from day to night, most areas of our city will experience northwest winds of 5-7 levels, gusts of 8-10 levels, and locally up to 11 levels or above, accompanied by sandstorms. Please take precautions.


It may be affected by strong winds within 12 hours, the average wind force can reach 8 or above, or gusts above 9; or it has been affected by strong winds, the average wind is 8-9, or gusts 9-10 and may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job of preventing gale in accordance with their duties;

2. Stop outdoor activities such as outdoor activities and high-altitude dangerous operations. People in dangerous areas and residents of dangerous houses should try their best to turn to shelters for shelter;

3. Water operations in relevant waters and passing ships take active countermeasures to reinforce port facilities to prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision;

4. Cut off outdoor dangerous power sources, properly arrange outdoor objects that are easily affected by strong winds, and cover building materials;

5. Airports, expressways and other units should take measures to ensure traffic safety, and relevant departments and units should pay attention to fire prevention in forests and grasslands.